Mieczyslaw Weinberg
“Once I tell a neighbor of mine he should stay by the boards, to let me in- I will come back from the Aryan side by 6 in the evening when it’s dark. And he wait for me. His name was Simcha Offinger, he was from Trade Mechanic School with me.
When I come back to the ghetto from the Aryan side I saw that he let in a lady. But in that time I listened a German is running because they got on their soles special iron nails, and from far away you can listen if they are marching or they are running. So now I hide in the other side of the wall so he should not see me. He pulled out the woman. He got in one hand the revolver, a Luger, and the other a flashlight. He shot my friend in his mouth, killed him. Then he bent down to see what he did and I saw I been at risk he kill me too, he will turn and he’ll see me. So I hit him with a karate chop in his neck. I was a middleweight boxer, a karate man too. Then I lay down and with my leg on his throat I strangled him. We pulled him into the ghetto. We got to wash the blood from my friend off the ground so no one should see something happened here. And we disrobed the German.
They got there in the ghetto hundreds of dead people each day from hunger. We put him on the wagon with the Jewish dead people and put maybe 25 or 30 dead Jews on him and took him to the Jewish cemetery, the Gesia Cemetery. His uniform was burned up, I don’t know who stole the revolver, I beat up 3 guys and maybe they took it. That revolver was worth a lot of thousands of zlotys, because it was a really German Luger. This was the story. You got every day such stories in the ghetto.”